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When Do You Need Electrical Installation License and Importance of Renewal

Electrical License Renewal

Electrical Installation Licence

Approved load exceeding 45kVA for non-domestic purposes shall apply for electrical installation licence to use or operate the installation. Premises used for "hazardous trades" such as petrol stations or temporary supply for construction, regardless of their approved loads shall also be licensed. The premise owner of the electrical installation must appoint a licenced electrical worker (LEW) of the appropriate class to take charge of the electrical installation.

Is It Illegal to Perform Electrical Work Without a License?

Yes, under the electricity act (Chapter 89A) section 67(1), no person shall used, worked or operate any electrical installation or supply installation unless he holds a valid electrical installation licence or supply installation licence.

Penalties for non-compliance

Any person who contravenes section 67(1) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding $250 for every day or part of a day during which the offence continues after conviction.

Electrical License Renewal Singapore

Why is it Important?

Electrical and supply installations shall be licensed to make sure that the installations are safe to use. It is also to ensure that these installations are maintained and operated by licensed electrical workers (LEW).

According to the Electricity Act (chapter 89A) section 82, all electrical works must be carried out by a licensed electrical worker (LEW) or under the supervision of a licensed electrical worker (LEW)

Always make sure that you engage a licensed electrical worker (LEW) before any electrical work is being done.

GL Power provides LEW services, so if you need help getting your electrical installation licence or supply installation licence, don't hesitate to contact us.